Practice what you preach

Before the conference
I have always told the women that I train that you can never stop learning and that is what we are doing today. The Jedidiah Trust will be attending the first ever all NGO women directors and leaders networking conference organsised by The Ark Foundation; an NGO that champions women law and human rights. The conference is aimed at making us all come together and partner strategically to ensure that all our effort and resources are channeled to development projects that will spur economic growth, reduce poverty, eliminate abuse and positively impact on the entire citizenry, particularly women and children (got that off the conference notes). It was good to be in the learning seat for the first time in a long time.  I am very excited.

After the conference

The Ark foundation first women NGO directors’ conference was a phenomenal success. There were female directors from all over the country. It was amazing the breadth of social issues covered by these NGOs and I was so proud to be amongst them. There were participants from the ministeries, The hunger Project Ghana,World Vision, West African Civil Society institute, women in growth, Hedge Ghana, just to mention a few. We were exposed to the work of each other and found a lot of common ground. Areas touched on were funding strategies, networking, project management and building a social enterprise. The facilitators were all experts in their field it was all about inspiring each other and giving each other positive vibes.
The host and MC for the event was Gifty Anti a well known journalist and women’s rights supporter. Her program ‘stand point’ provides the platform for lesser talked about women’s issues on national television.
There was also a bazzar where the various NGOS showcased their products.We all left feeling inspired and energized to keep up the good work.


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