Yes We can!

My name is Maame Dentaa Amoo for years I have felt it my calling to do something to help the less privileged in society. Trust me I do not exaggerate when I say calling I am the kid who always cried when I heard ‘Man in the mirror’ or ‘heal the world’ by Michael Jackson but I felt it a great burden so I ran away from it. Have you ever heard the saying that many at times a man meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it? That is me! Years of running and I find myself back in my country, Ghana doing what I was destined to do training women in business and entrepreneurship, focusing especially on women in the deprived areas and loving every minute of it.

The Name of my NGO is THE JEDIDIAH TRUST FOUNDATION. It comes from the first name the prophet Nathan gave Solomon and it means ‘beloved of God’. I love that the name is associated with wisdom and its meaning is so important because I want the women we meet to know that they are special beloved of God and not abandoned. I always quote to them Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;”

The Jedidiah Trust is a non-governmental, women centered, development organization without denominational or political affiliation. After touring the rural districts of Ghana, I realised that there was a great need: rural women were fast becoming the sole bread winners of their families but they remained trapped in extremely low income employment or engaged in petty trading to make ends meet .Of course, they could not make ends meet and this had adverse effects on their families, their children were malnourished and not going to school thus creating a vicious cycle of poverty.

It was discovered that this trend was not only prevalent in the rural areas but in the urban centers as well; where the pressure on these women was even greater. I and a group of friends intervened by training these women and helping them to access much needed loans to expand or start businesses. It made a world of difference in the lives of these women, their families especially the children and the community as a whole.

We were deeply moved by the change we made and decided the time had come for us to focus on improving the lives of these women. The Jedidiah Trust was set up to help prospective and established women business owners achieve economic independence through entrepreneurship. From workshops and seminars to business coaching and financial assistance, we are here to guide women to business and economic success.
We aspire to improve the lives of women the world over, starting in Ghana and then moving to the rest of sub-Saharan Africa especially impoverished areas by providing training for those in business as well as those looking to start business. We hope to grow to be able to provide around the clock counseling at every stage of their business lives as well as provide financing for these business ideas in the long run.


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