Women Entrepreneurial Training Programme: Adansi North District (Fomena)

The Jedidiah Trust had small business management training with the theme: financial empowerment of women through proper business practice in Adansi North District (Fomena). The team had been excited about this training for months because of the positive vibes we got from the people we met when arranging this training. We felt it was very timely and very much need
The Adansi North District is one of the 28 newly created districts in Ghana. It is one of the 27 Administrative districts in Ashanti Region.. It has its capital at Fomena situated on the Kumasi – Cape Coast main road. The district has 35 electoral areas and two constituencies (Fomena and Asokwa). The District has seven area councils i.e. Akrokerri, Anhwiaso, Asokwa, Bodwesango, Dompoase, Fomena and Fumso area Councils. There are 94 communities in the district. We had women from all these communities at the training. Most of the participants were petty traders and farmers. We had seamstress and hair dressers in attendance. We had the training at the Adu Bonsra Hall In the District Assembly building.

The District Economy is predominantly an agrarian one with 77% of the inhabitants being farmers majority of whom engaged in subsistence farming in crop production and live stock keeping. On the whole, household incomes in the district are very low. This is reflected in the fact that the output of the people who are mainly subsistence farmers, small scale manufacturers and limited services providers are very low and do not bring sufficient incomes to the various households in the district. As a result of this, low standard of living of the people is reflected in the lives of the people. The evidence of which is found in the dilapidated buildings that the majority of the people occupy, the inability of majority of the people to send their children to good schools due to their inability to pay school fees, leading to high school drop out rate in the district, inability of majority of household to afford balanced diets, etc.

According to the 2000 population census, 48% of the population in the district ie; (15–60 years) constitute the economically active population. Out of the 48% some of them are either in school or learning some kind of trade, while a sizeable number of them are unemployed or under employed, leaving only a few of them in active employment. The implication is that there is high dependency ratio in the district leaving very little money in the hands of households for savings and investments.

The Jedidiah Trust team had been planning this training for a month now, we had spoken to the women found out where their problem areas were and specially tailor made the programme to meet their needs. The Topics we settled on were;
• Book keeping (record keeping as small scale business)
• Costing and pricing of business/trading and farming products
• Money management/ cash control from sale of farming/trading products
• Financing your business/farming /trading activities

We also had amazing support from the district assembly; The DCE Alhaji Latif Majoub was hands on to help us organize the women and also provide the venue and some snacks. We also had the full support of the staff of Rural Enterprise Project. Our Resource person for this training was
Mr. Charles Wiafe, a development consultant from a sister NGO the Weyda Consult.

The training session was interactive the women were so psyched and attentive all through the session they asked questions and were eager to voice their opinions. It was an amazing feeling to see the realization on the women’s faces on the business practices that was costing them money. The resolve to try the new things we had thought them came through when they thanked us for the training.

The Jedidiah Trust always follows up to get feed back on how the training has affected their lives so do watch out for that…. There will be interviews from these women from their place of work.


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